miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Lady Gaga

Angelina Joanne Stefani Germanotta, better known by her stage name Lady Gaga (born March 28, 1986, Manhattan, New York, USA) is a singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer and pianist.
Angelina Joanne Germanotta Stefani was born in New York on March 28, 1986. His father, Joseph Germanotta, is an Internet entrepreneur, and his mother, Cynthia Bissett, works as a telecommunications assistant. Having learned to play the piano at four years, Stefani wrote his first ballad at thirteen and began to participate in open mic nights at fourteen. At the age of eleven, he joined the school Stefani Private Catholic Convent of the Sacred Heart called, located in Manhattan. 
The first single was " Just Dande ", released on April 8, 2008 and reached number one in many countries, including Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Ireland, UK and USA. The song was nominated the Grammy in the category of best dance song.The second single, " Poker Face ", released on September 23 , 2008.
The people love her !!! 

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Lesson 12 What`s the matter?


a backache
an earache
a headache
a stomachache
a tootache
a cold
a cough
a fever
the flu
sore eyes
a sore throat

1.- I have a tootache---------- Call a dentist 
2.- I have a headache---------take one aspirin
3.- I have the flu--------------don`t go to school. visit the doctor
4.- I can`t sleep at nigth ------don`t drink coffee 

Esta leccion me agrado demasiado, aprendi a dominar mucho vocabulario.Las practicas fueron muy buenas y entendibles. Espero poner en practica lo aprendido para que no se me olvide =) 

Lesson 11 What are you going to do ?


My birthday!
I'm going  to be 21 the next year, so i'm going to invite my friends out my party.
the party going to be Las  Bahamas!!! it`s nice ! The food, the music, the beatch !!!!
love it! My friends probably going to sing "happy birthday" to me and i going to sing with they!

En este leccion aprendi hacer uso del "going to"
a traves de los diferentes ejercicios que se plantearon a lo largo
de esta. Al principio se me dificulto un poco ya que no comprendia del todo
bien la estructura de la oracion, pero una vez aclarado conforme realizaba
ejercicios se me fue facilitando mas.


Hi !
my name's Yosahandy Reyes
I have 20 old years !
i'm from Xalapa, Ver
this is my favorite city. 
i study in  the Universidad Veracruzana.
i like do exercise for the afternoon , its very good!
Welcome to my blogger
It`s nice to meet you ! :))